Landlocked & Starving
The people of Chad are among the most affected by the global climate crisis and face one of the highest levels of hunger in the world.
Chad is home to one of the largest and fastest-growing refugee populations in Africa. Since the war in Sudan began, over 700,000 refugees and returnees have crossed into Chad. They rely on humanitarian assistance to survive.
children are acutely malnourished
3.4M people faced extreme hunger this year
people are internally displaced
displacement CRISIS
Chad is experiencing a new wave of refugees crossing the border following the violent conflict that erupted in neighboring Sudan on April 15, 2023. These new arrivals add to the tens of thousands of Sudanese refugees already sheltering in eastern Chad after fleeing from previous conflicts.
In total, Chad hosts 1.3 million refugees – more than any other country in Africa.
WFP’s Work in CHAD
The United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) has worked in Chad since 1968. Today, WFP focuses on providing emergency food assistance and strengthening Chad’s long-term food security.

Under its emergency response, WFP plans to assist 2 million people across Chad including refugees, IDPs and host communities.

WFP plans to provide school meals to over 400,000 children this year. The program has helped keep girls in school and boosted their pass rates.

WFP works with communities to rebuild assets including warehouses for farmers’ crops and dams to retain water for irrigation.

Prepositioning food is essential to keeping cross-border operations into Sudan up-and-running. WFP also needs to preposition food before the rainy seasons start in and heavy rains cut off road access in the east.

WFP supports children and pregnant and breastfeeding women through its malnutrition prevention and treatment programs. This year, WFP aims to reach 1.4 million children under 5 and women with nutrition support.

WFP manages UNHAS, which is critical for transporting humanitarian and development assistance across Chad. In 2023, UNHAS transported 143,300 pounds of cargo and conducted 60 medical evacuations.

Help Save Lives by Sending Food
You can help deliver food to vulnerable populations in Chad and other countries by donating to WFP.
What’s Happening in Chad
Read the latest news updates and stories from Chad: