7 Simple Ways You Can Help Hungry Families This Holiday Season With WFP USA

For many of us, the holidays are a season of abundance, filled with feasting, gifting and festivities with family and friends. In the midst of all our planning and list-making, we imagine this feeling is shared by people all over the world. With all the twinkling lights and table settings, it’s easy to forget that there are millions of people whose plates aren’t as full. ‘
The United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) works hard to ensure that these families have the nutrition they need and deserve – but that work relies entirely on your support. In these last few weeks of the year, your gifts are truly critical to ensuring that we can continue this lifesaving work.
Below are seven ways you can personally help families in need this holiday season – making it merrier and brighter for all.
1. Become a monthly donor
From Syria to South Sudan, millions of kids around the world are hungry and malnourished. Nearly 150 million children are stunted and 47 million suffer from wasting. Help the U.N. World Food Programme provide steady, reliable support to malnourished kids through programs like school feeding by making a monthly gift and becoming a ZeroHunger Hero. Just $15 is enough to provide a child with meals for an entire month.
2. Make a one-time gift and it will be DOUBLED
2020 was a brutal year for many families as conflict flared across the globe. In Yemen, a country caught up in civil war, 16 million people – more than half the population – don’t know where their next meal is coming from. Make a one-time donation to help provide emergency relief to hungry families in Yemen and other conflict zones. Make your gift by Dec. 28, and it will be matched $1 to $1 – doubling your impact. A donation of $75 dollars normally feeds a family for an entire month, but with the match, your gift can put food on the table for two whole months.
3. Share a meal and give a gift with real impact
As you’re sitting down to a holiday meal with family and friends, share that meal with hungry kids for just 50 cents simply by tapping your phone. Download WFP’s ShareTheMeal app, scroll through stories of kids across the world who need help, and send a meal right then and there. You can also send a meal on behalf of someone you know by clicking the heart icon in the donate section, and they’ll receive a personalized card from ShareTheMeal. ShareTheMeal makes it easy to give and bring joy to the world by filling the plates of children in need.
4. Host a Facebook fundraiser
Social media is becoming an ever-more popular platform for giving. Twenty-nine percent of people say that it inspires them to give. Inspire your friends and family to give meals to hungry families by hosting a Facebook fundraiser for WFP USA: you can even join us in crossing the distance by starting a fundraiser to match the miles between your hometown and a hunger hotspot.
5. Give a gift that gives back
Shop smart and add a deeper meaning to gifts for loved ones. Consider a gift that gives back. For every doll purchased at cuddle + kind, the company gives 10 meals to children in need through WFP USA and other charities.
6. Play Freerice
Would you rather play a game or do some good? With Freerice, you don’t have to choose. Global hunger is one of our most pressing social issues, but it’s also the most solvable. Freerice is easy and free – all you have to do is play! For every question you answer correctly, sponsors donate the cash equivalent of five grains of rice to the U.N. World Food Programme who puts the money to work where it’s needed most – saving and changing lives around the world.
7. Sign the WFP USA pledge
Your signature is more powerful than you know. Be a hero for hungry families by signing our pledge and asking others to do the same. Take action today by sharing it with your social networks. This simple act can help raise awareness about the urgency of global hunger.
Together, we can ensure that families in crisis have the food they need to survive.