Share a Meal
With Someone in Need
With a tap on your phone, you can “share a meal” with someone in need. Join the thousands of people who are already making a difference today.
What is sharethemeal?
ShareTheMeal is a global app that helps you easily donate food to people in need all over the world. It won Google’s “Best apps of 2020” in the category “App for Good” and Apple’s “Best of 2020” in the category “Trend of the Year: Making a Difference.”
- $0.80to share a meal
- 130M+meals shared
- 80+countries reached

See How ShareTheMeal Works
See the impact of shared meals
You Can Fight World Hunger
In addition to using the app, you can also help feed hungry families by making a direct donation. Make an impact today by helping us deliver food where it’s needed most.
Other Ways to Get Involved
Play the fun trivia game that donates rice for every answer you get correct.

Send an email to your representative advocating to fight world hunger.

Leverage your influence on social media to raise awareness about global hunger.