Photo: WFP/Andrea Tornese



Our partners make a world of difference. They are often the difference between a child receiving a school meal or going to bed hungry.

Help end hunger for good

We are proud to collaborate with leading U.S. companies and global brands to build partnerships that enhance corporate social responsibility and achieve business objectives while saving and changing lives across the globe.


ERASE HUNGER is a campaign focused on supporting kids and their communities through our school meals program. This back-to-school season, starting August 1 and culminating on October 16, World Food Day, together with our partners, we will raise funds to provide 3 MILLION SCHOOL MEALS FOR KIDS AROUND THE WORLD.

Our corporate partners have always been key supporters in providing school meals. Through our ERASE HUNGER campaign, we will showcase and celebrate their impact.

Through WFP USA, corporate and cause-related marketing (CRM) partners have unique opportunities to demonstrate their values and commitment to ending global hunger.

Help Us End Global Hunger

Why Invest in Zero Hunger?

Food is one of life’s most basic building blocks. That’s why U.S. companies can — and should — play a critical role in improving global food security.

Why Partner with WFP USA?

To partner with WPF is to partner with the world’s largest humanitarian agency, reaching over 128 million people in more than 120 countries & territories every year.

Emergency Response

When disaster strikes, WFP is among the first humanitarian organizations on the ground, delivering lifesaving food assistance when it matters most.

School Meals: Feeding Dreams

WFP is the world’s largest provider of school meals, which are often the only reliable source of nutrition for children in impoverished communities.

Find the right program

WFP USA works with you to find the right program to build on your unique strengths and effectively engage your employees and consumers:

  • Strategic philanthropic giving
  • Employee engagement campaigns
  • Immediate humanitarian and emergency relief
  • Cause-marketing and consumer engagement activities
  • Sponsorship and event participation

Your commitment makes an incredible difference. Because of your support, WFP can reach more people with the food they need to survive and the programs and resources they need to thrive.

Join us as a partner

Your help can save and change lives.

Photo: WFP/Arete/Ed Ram

Emergency Relief Fund

WFP USA’s Emergency Relief Fund enables our donors to help the people who need it most in times of crisis.

Created to finance WFP humanitarian relief operations during disasters and emergencies, the fund provides an efficient, flexible solution for investors looking to expedite their charitable gifts to immediately address lifesaving logistics and food needs at the onset of a disaster or emergency.

Take a deeper look at WFP USA

Financial Information

We are committed to being transparent with our donors. Here you’ll find resources like our 990s, tax information and privacy policy.

Annual Reports

See the evolution of WFP’s work through our annual reports, and meet our global community.

501(c)(3) Tax Determination Letter

WFP USA is exempt from tax under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code and qualifies for the maximum charitable contribution deduction by donors.