From The BBC: How the U.N. World Food Programme Works To Reach Families In Syria

The BBC’s Jeremy Bowen has this report on the United Nations World Food Programme’s (WFP) efforts to reach families in Syria left hungry and homeless because of the ongoing violence.
With few buildings left untouched by the fighting in West Aleppo, U.N. World Food Programme staff have transformed the basement of a local mosque into a vast warehouse and distribution center with a kitchen that can produces as many as 48,000 meals in a single day.
Watch this video to learn more about how the U.N. World Food Programme is reaching more than 750,000 in West Aleppo each month alone:
BBC: The victims of the Syria Crisis inside West Aleppo
June 16, 2014
Divided between government and rebel halves for nearly two years, the historic Syrian city of Aleppo has suffered devastation on a massive scale. The BBC's Jeremy Bowen is the first western journalist to enter the government-held zone by road from Damascus. He reports on West Aleppo's civilians' struggle to survive.