#RecipeForDisaster: Join the Movement!

Photo: © WFP
World Food Program USA
Published March 28, 2018
Last Updated July 17, 2020

In a world where one in nine people will go to bed hungry tonight, food waste is a #RecipeForDisaster.

That’s because while the world produces enough food to feed all 7 billion people on the planet, one-third of that food will go to waste each year. In the U.S., that proportion is even higher.

So today, the World Food Programme (WFP) is launching #RecipeForDisaster, a social media movement that seeks to spotlight the issue of food waste—and the simple solutions we can all take to tackle it.

Image depicting
Photo: © WFP
Image depicting
Photo: © WFP

As Chef José Andrés and Olympic swimmer Natalie Coughlin have demonstrated, creating your own #RecipeForDisaster is simple! Just follow these steps:

  1. Open your fridge and grab any leftover food or ingredients that are close to their “use by date.”
  2. Prepare a meal using those ingredients. Be creative!
  3. Share a video or photos of your new dish on social media using the #RecipeForDisaster hashtag, then nominate three friends to create their own by tagging them in your post.

Watch below to learn how to create your own #RecipeForDisaster:

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