Refugee Children Dream Big

Photo: (L) Badre Bahaji / (R) Wikimedia Commons
World Food Programme
Published June 19, 2018
Last Updated March 20, 2019

Just like Albert Einstein, who was a refugee, children growing up in refugee camps also dream big. They too are talented and have the potential to shape the future of their community and the world. Refugee kids in Malawi are no different.

(L) Badre Bahaji / (R) Wikimedia Commons

Will Gervais be sworn in one day?

Gervais, who is seven-years-old, is from Burundi living in Dzaleka refugee camp in Malawi. “When I grow up I want to be President so that I can help people in my country.” Will he be the next Nelson Mandela?

(L) Badre Bahaji / (R) Wikimedia Commons

Raise your hands for Rolande, the new star of Dzaleka refugee camp in Malawi.

Rolande, who is 11-years-old, is from the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). “When I grow up, I want to be a famous artist. I like dancing and performing for my friends and family.” Will Rolande be the next Beyonce?

(L) Badre Bahaji / (R) Wikimedia Commons

Will this plastic ball turn into a golden one?

Frank, whose parents arrived in Malawi from DRC, was born in Dzaleka refugee camp, and is now 11-years-old. “I want to be a famous footballer. I play every day with my friends here in the camp and I’m the best player.” Can he be the next Ronaldo?

(L) Badre Bahaji / (R) Wikimedia Commons

Selling peanuts could be just a start for Crisha.

Crisha’s parents are refugees from Burundi “I want to be a shopkeeper when I grow up and become rich.” Will Crisha, who was born in the refugee camp, become as successful as Indra Nooyi, the CEO of Pepsico?

(L) Badre Bahaji / (R) Wikimedia Commons

Who will be faster? Let the race begin.

Six-year-old Crino and his family are from Burundi. “I like cars. When I grow up, I want to own lots of cars and win races.” Will Crino one day win as many titles as Formula 1 driver Lewis Hamilton?

(L) Badre Bahaji / (R) Wikimedia Commons

Helen is not afraid of needles.

Helen, who is five-years-old, escaped the violence in DRC with her family to find safety in Malawi. “I want to become a doctor so that I can heal people when they are sick.” Do you believe Helene can make history like Clara Barton, the founder of the American Red Cross?

To support these dreams and help children achieve their potential, WFP provides food and nutrition assistance to some 35,000 refugees living in Malawi. If we end conflict and prevent refugee crisis across the world, we can end hunger by 2030. On the occasion of World Refugee Day, join the movement and share this story using #WithRefugees and #ZeroHunger

Original story posted by WFP.