WFP & UNICEF Respond to Harsh Winter Storm in Middle East

As temperatures across the U.S. continue to plunge into the single digits, millions of people in the Middle East are facing similarly freezing temperatures without adequate supplies to keep them warm, well-fed and safe—especially Syrian refugees living in makeshift camps across the region.
That’s why the United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) has partnered with the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) to deliver hope to families in need.
Yesterday, the U.N. World Food Programme and UNICEF launched an operation to provide blankets, coats, scarves and gloves for thousands of Syrian children living in Jordan’s Zaatari and Azraq camps.
The groundbreaking partnership will utilize the U.N. World Food Programme’s innovative e-voucher program, which allows Syrian families to shop in U.N. World Food Programme -contracted supermarkets.
This approach not only restores dignity and choice to Syrian refugees, it also helps boost the regional economy by supporting local businesses and farmers.
“When we talk about the cold weather here in the U.S. every day, we forget how fortunate we are with our food and clothing,” says WFP USA President and CEO Rick Leach. “WFP’s e-vouchers are being put to good use to help vulnerable Syrians get through a harsh winter storm.”
Donate to the U.N. World Food Programme’s Syria operation now.