REports & Publications

Through a commitment to quality research, World Food Program USA shapes policy on key international food security and humanitarian issues.

Newest Report

Dangerously Hungry

The Link Between Food Insecurity and Conflict

While we have long known that conflict drives food insecurity, the Dangerously Hungry report shows that the inverse is also true: Food insecurity drives conflict.

View the new report by World Food Program USA:

Featured Reports
Winning the Peace in Humanitarian Emergencies

More people than ever are displaced because of violence, conflict and persecution. Today, 79.5 million people—a full one percent of humanity—are displaced from their homes, more than any other time in recorded history.

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Photo: WFP USA Early Childhood Malnutrition and Humanitarian Emergencies

Malnutrition is devastating for children. It threatens their lives and, if they survive, can lead to lifelong consequences. This report features global trends, case studies and solutions – so we don’t lose an entire generation to hunger.

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Climate Change, Food Security and Humanitarian Emergencies

The impacts of climate change are threatening a complex global food system that is already struggling to meet the needs of a growing and changing population. This report outlines the people and places that are most effected and what we must do to help them.

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Photo: WFP/Giulio d'Adamo Climate Change and Food Security: A Test of U.S. Leadership in a Fragile World

This CSIS global food security project brief, co-authored by our sr. director of public policy, Dr. Chase Sova, discusses the threat climate change poses to global food security, and its potential consequences to humanity.

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Winning the Peace: Hunger and Instability

Winning the Peace examines what can happen when people do not have enough food at a time when more than 20 million stand on the brink of starvation. This report is among the most in-depth reviews of research on the link between food insecurity and instability ever produced.

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Humanitarian Crisis Report

A dramatic increase in protracted conflict and displacement combined with an ever-increasing number of natural disasters has resulted in widespread human suffering. Explore the recommendations designed to better meet the needs of the people affected by the growing number of crises.

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Photo: WFP/Badre Bahaji

From examining the links between hunger and global instability to analyzing the U.S. government’s global food security support, read more about our work in these publications.