A Back-to-School Campaign for Corporate Partners

School Meals Are a Game-Changer for Kids & Communities

Kids are paying the price of the global hunger crisis. Every day, millions of children walk into school on an empty stomach which makes it impossible to learn, much less thrive. Today, 153 million people under the age of 18 are severely hungry – an alarming, devastating number that is only expected to rise.  

That is why we are launching ERASE HUNGER, a campaign focused on supporting kids and their communities through our school meals program. This back-to-school season, starting August 15 and culminating on October 16, World Food Day.

Signature Opportunity for Corporate Partners

Our corporate partners have always been key supporters in providing school meals. Through our ERASE HUNGER campaign, we will showcase and celebrate their impact. To help our partners tell the story, we have created an ERASE HUNGER Toolkit, which includes digital marketing assets, a social media kit, employee engagement ideas and powerful stories from kids around the world to engage employees and stakeholders. 

Together, We Can ERASE HUNGER

School Meals Save and Change Lives for Kids Around the World

The United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) works in 59 countries to reach 22 million children with school meals, snacks and take-home rations. WFP is the world’s largest provider of school meals and knows that for many children, a school meal may be the only food they eat each day. Families count on school meals to feed their children.  

“I go to school to eat.” 
When girls like Hazra receive school meals and take-home rations, enrollment rates increase by 12%. 

“WFP is supporting our farm to provide fresh food for the school.”
Using local products provides farmers with a dependable income. 

“I am at the top of my class.” 
Providing school meals ensures students like Douglas’s nutritional needs are met so he is able to learn. 

Join the Erase Hunger Campaign

We Need Your Support. Here’s How it Works:

1. Choose Your Partnership Donation

Donate Lifesaving & Life-Changing School Meals

  • $25,000 – provides 100,000 school meals 
  • $50,000 – provides 200,000 school meals
  • $125,000 – provides 500,000 school meals
  • $250,000 – provides 1 million meals

Funds can be provided through a corporate donation, a cause marketing consumer campaign, employee giving, or a combination of these opportunities. 

2. Share Your Story of IMpact

We know storytelling matters and one of our goals for ERASE HUNGER is to raise awareness about the importance of school meals and the partners who are supporting them. Our toolkit includes easy-to-share assets and stories to engage your employees, customers and other stakeholders, to help you share the story of your amazing impact.  

Erase Hunger Toolkit  includes:

  • Access to ERASE HUNGER wordmark 
  • Approved messages and impact statistics
  • Digital Art Package 
  • Social Media Kit
  • Impact Videos
  • Thank You Video to share on World Food Day, October 16

3. Engage Your Employees

Lunch & Learn – A virtual employee kick-off meeting. 

Miles For Meals – With the Charity Miles app, an activity tracker, we have created a special experience to inspire your team as they walk, run, hike or bike for school meals.

Employee Giving – Create a designated employee giving campaign. 

4. How We Will Promote The Erase Hunger partners

  • During the campaign kick-off, we will thank and celebrate our partners on our social media channels.
  • Ongoing social media activations throughout the campaign highlighting our partners, progress of the campaign, and school meals stories. 
  • The logos of participating partners will be featured on our ERASE HUNGER campaign landing page. 
  • On October 16, World Food Day, we will plan a virtual “celebration” to close out the campaign and highlight its impact and partners. 

Key Campaign Dates

  • August 15 – campaign launch on social channels
  • September Hunger Awareness Month – we will be highlighting our impact and partners.
  • October 16, World Food Day – celebrate what we have accomplished together

I Want to Erase Hunger