The Women and Girls Uprooted by Boko Haram

With their homes destroyed and their husbands killed, the women and children who fled Boko Haram in Nigeria, Chad and Cameroon have nowhere to turn.

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Climate Change & Hunger: Stories From 6 African Countries

Extreme weather events are rapidly increasing hunger and malnourishment. From hurricanes and flooding to droughts and desertification, these six stories portray the very real, very human impacts of a warming world.

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Hacking Hunger – Episode 29: A Storytellers Farewell

In her final episode as host of “Hacking Hunger,” M.J. Altman turns the mic over to three women in Guatemala, Chad and Jordan.

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Fighting one of the highest levels of hunger in the world, the people of this Sahelian country in central Africa are also among the most affected by the global climate crisis.

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