Food & Cash
Restoring the dignity and dietary diversity back to families, by giving them the power to chose which foods to take home.
Hunger has many causes
Hunger has many causes and conditions on the ground are constantly changing, which is why it’s vital for WFP to fight hunger with the right tool at the right time.
Sometimes, this means providing food directly, often in the form of raw grains, beans and cooking oil that people pick up at a distribution site. WFP might purchase the food in local markets or it can be provided by a donor government.
Collectively, this type of food assistance is called “in-kind” or “commodities.”

In other situations, local markets are functioning and food is available – people simply can’t afford it. In these cases, WFP provides cash-based assistance in the form of food vouchers and e-cards, which enable families to purchase fresh and locally-grown food.
The power to choose groceries for themselves restores people’s dignity and dietary diversity. Cash-based assistance has the added benefit of strengthening local economies, supporting regional food producers, and significantly reducing food costs.
WFP can automatically upload funds onto e-cards, so communities in crisis can be reached faster and more efficiently.
Help save lives today
By donating to WFP, you ensure that we can provide the right kind of assistance for families in crisis.