War Devastates Kids, Communities and Countries. But It’s Great for One Thing: Hunger

Conflict – in all of its destructive forms – is the #1 reason millions of people are suffering from hunger. The scale is difficult to comprehend.

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Nigeria and WFP Pioneer Use of Rickshaws and Boats to Get Food and Cash to Coronavirus-Affected City Hotspots

Hungry Nigerian families are being plunged deeper into poverty during coronavirus. We're getting creative with our delivery solutions.

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This Is What Extreme Hunger Looks Like Through the Eyes of Seven Small Children, Told in Photos

What does malnutrition do to the body of a young child? The effects are devastating, with lifelong consequences for children and their communities. Here are seven of their stories.

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The Price of Safety in Nigeria’s Deadly Conflict

The four walls (and no roof) that Osman and his family call home is a building formerly used as a toilet. It took them four days to clean out. But still, his family is comparatively lucky.

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The Women and Girls Uprooted by Boko Haram

With their homes destroyed and their husbands killed, the women and children who fled Boko Haram in Nigeria, Chad and Cameroon have nowhere to turn.

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Conflict is the #1 cause of hunger in the world. It uproots families, destroys economies, ruins infrastructure and brings agricultural production to a halt.

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Introduction of Hermetic Storage Reduces Food Loss in Yobe

Three-hundred farmers each received eight specially-made, airtight, 110-pound bags to protect their grains from insects, rodents, mold and moisture. The results were astonishing.

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Driving Is for Men Only. This Woman Is Breaking the Myth.

The story of a wife, mother, student and a professional driver with World Food Programme in Nigeria.

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Boko Haram has displaced an estimated 1.78 million within the country’s borders—80 percent are women and children.

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Empowering Girls Across the Globe

This World Food Day 2018, we’re excited to announce the three recipients of the Fall 2018 Catherine Bertini Trust Fund Awards.

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Conflict and Famine: How They’re Connected

Conflict and Famine

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WFP’s Rapid Response, Explained

WFP and UNICEF designed the simple yet innovative Integrated Rapid Response Mechanism (RRM) to deliver urgently needed supplies to families in hard-to-reach areas.

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