You Should Know About What’s Happening in the Sahel and Why It’s Spiraling Out of Control

The Central Sahel is in crisis, yet "nobody is truly interested and everyone just stands by watching tragedy develop in front of our eyes,” says WFP's Margot van der Velden.

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To Bee or Not to Bee in Kyrgyzstan

"Bee master" Ryskulbek's dream of earning money from honey became reality after he made a beeline for a WFP training course in May of 2020.

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Voices of the Dry Corridor: Stories of Climate Change & Hunger

In the Dry Corridor of Central America, dry spells have ruined crops and shrunken lakes, pushing families to extremes to feed themselves. These six stories show just how daunting the challenge is.

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Life Without Water: Poverty & Hunger in Honduras

Maria's family invested all their money in corn crops, then watched them wither away from drought. Now they're struggling to put food on the table and praying for rain.

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What the “Hunger Season” Means for Farmers Fighting Famine

The hunger season can last for months, and it’s a particularly challenging time for subsistence farmers and their families, who solely rely on what they grow.

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How to Grow Goat Food in the Sahara, Barley in Refugee Camps & Veggies in Desert Slums

Refugees are rigging up simple hydroponic production units using only local materials to grow fresh grass for their goats. It's just one way WFP's helps people in conflict zones.

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Food Waste vs. Food Loss: Know the Difference and Help #StopTheWaste Today

Global hunger isn’t about a lack of food. There’s enough to feed all of us. Unfortunately, one third of all the food produced for humans never actually gets eaten.

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Empowering Women and Girls is Crucial to Ensure Sustainable Food Security in the Aftermath of COVID-19, say UN Food Agency Heads on International Women’s Day

Women and girls make up half of our global community - It’s time they were included in leadership positions at every level and integrated in all spheres and stages of pandemic response and recovery.

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Two Years Since Cyclone Idai Struck, Many Mozambicans Still Struggle to Recover

In the weeks after the strongest storm to ever hit the country, WFP’s emergency assistance kick-started the recovery of 1.8 million people. But many others, who are still struggling today, face a bleak and uncertain future.

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Battered by Climate Shocks and Bruised by Economic Crisis Millions More in Central America Face Hunger

Communities in Central America have hit rock bottom: Many now have nowhere to live and are staying in temporary shelters, surviving on next to nothing.

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Funds for Emergency Food Assistance Run Dry as Millions Face Hunger Season in Zimbabwe

The ‘lean’ season risks pushing some 6.9 million people - nearly half of the country's population - into hunger by its March peak.

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Urgent Need to Strengthen Food Systems as Multiple Crises Drive Up Numbers of Hungry People in Sudan

The number of acutely hungry people in the world may increase by more than 100 million this year, and some countries could be headed for famine.

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