The 8 Countries Most Affected by Climate Change

In regions around the world, the climate crisis is causing more frequent and intense extreme weather events. From droughts to hurricanes to floods, these climate extremes are driving more people into severe hunger and poverty.

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Global Food Crisis: 10 Countries Suffering the Most From Hunger

These are the 10 worst hunger crises in the world today based on where the U.N. World Food Programme works and has collected recent data. The crises are ranked by the total number of people facing severe hunger in each country.

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7 Current Conflicts in the World Today and Their Effects on Global Hunger

Conflict ravages countries in countless ways. And it’s the number one cause of hunger in the world, tearing families, communities, infrastructure, food systems and regions apart.  

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Eggs Are Laying the Groundwork for Peace and Boosting Nutrition in Sudan

Improving the food security of families like Mohammed and Madina’s has contributed to peace and stability in the region, and is encouraging those who fled conflict to return to their villages.

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What Peace Would Mean for People Caught in the Vicious Cycle of Conflict and Hunger

WFP staff in Yemen, the Central Sahel and Sudan share their thoughts on what peace would mean for families caught in the crossfires of hunger and conflict.

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It’s in the Bag! This Simple Storage System Is Slashing Food Loss.

Farmers in Sudan lose up to 40% of their crops every year. Our hermetic bags cost just $2 and reduce loss to less than 2%.

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Tired of Conflict: Internally Displaced People in Darfur Yearn for Peace and to Return Home

In honor of World Refugee Day, we're sharing the story of Yahya who fled his home because of conflict 15 years ago.

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In Sudan, UN Agencies Reach Conflict-Affected Communities in Non-Government-Controlled Areas for First Time in a Decade

For the first time in ten years, UN humanitarian agencies have been able to access conflict-affected communities in the five non-governmental areas controlled in Sudan.

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On National Siblings Day, Meet Khamisa: Refugee and Provider for Her Family

Every month Khamisa, who wants to become a doctor, walks from the family shelter to the U.N. World Food Programme distribution centre in Alagaya Camp, White Nile State to collect food for her parents and four siblings. She is one of the 387,000 refugees across Sudan that WFP supported in the first half of 2019. "Home is close by, but it feels so long ago," Khamisa says.

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WFP Chief Congratulates Sudanese Government and Rebel Group on Steps Towards Peace

WFP Executive Director David Beasley congratulated leaders of Sudan and one of the country’s rebel groups for agreeing to principles to resolve their conflict including that freedom of religion would be guaranteed to all Sudanese in a civil, democratic federal state.

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WFP Appeals for Urgent Funding to Support Ethiopian Refugees in Sudan

More than 30,000 Ethiopians have crossed across into Sudan, fleeing conflict in their home region. We urgently need additional funding to save their lives.

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Urgent Need to Strengthen Food Systems as Multiple Crises Drive Up Numbers of Hungry People in Sudan

The number of acutely hungry people in the world may increase by more than 100 million this year, and some countries could be headed for famine.

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