7 Current Conflicts in the World Today and Their Effects on Global Hunger

Conflict ravages countries in countless ways. And it’s the number one cause of hunger in the world, tearing families, communities, infrastructure, food systems and regions apart.  

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“Our Presence Is Hope.” WFP Continues to Serve the People of Afghanistan Through a Bitter Winter of Cold and Hunger

Almost overnight, Asia’s most fragile economy collapsed. For millions of people, WFP’s emergency food assistance has been a lifeline amidst chaos and uncertainty.

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Time Is Running out for Afghan Families as Their Country Becomes the World’s Largest Humanitarian Crisis

Over the last four months, Afghanistan has become the world’s largest humanitarian crisis. Jane Ferguson gives a heartbreaking account of her recent visit to Kabul.

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WFP Supports Rohingya Families Affected by Fire in Cox’s Bazar Refugee Camp

WFP is serving hot meals today to 2,200 refugees affected by a large fire that damaged or destroyed at least 500 shelters in Camp 16 of the Kutupalong refugee settlement.

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Nutrition at Risk for Typhoon-Hit Filipino Families, WFP Warns

Three weeks after Super Typhoon Odette devastated a huge swathe of the Philippines, WFP is warning that nutrition and food security are at risk in communities in hard-hit areas unless immediate food needs are met soon.

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Super Typhoon Rai: Here’s the Latest Telecoms and Logistics Update From the Philippines

Here's what we know so far: 1.8M people affected, 375 killed, 500 injured, and 662,000 people without homes. We're on the ground right now with emergency support.

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WFP Assists the Philippines Government in Responding to Devastating Typhoon Rai

WFP is providing crucial emergency logistics and telecommunications support to the Government of the Philippines in its response to the devastation caused by Typhoon Rai.

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15 Million Afghans Receive WFP Food Assistance so Far in 2021

WFP is rapidly ramping up humanitarian operations in Afghanistan to assist more than 23 million people facing severe hunger in the country in 2022.

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“The World Cannot Turn Its Back as the Afghan People Starve.” WFP in a Race Against Time to Stave off Catastrophe

The United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) is in a “race against time” to avert a humanitarian catastrophe in Afghanistan. This winter, over half the population face severe hunger as temperatures plummet below zero.

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The Way You Give Inspires Our Work: Seven Stories From Donors Who Help Us Save Lives

We’re celebrating National Philanthropy Day with stories of donors who’ve given from their hearts to fund WFP's work around the world.

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Handmade Toys by the World’s Most Resilient Children

It's remarkable what young ones can do with so little - especially when they're living on the frontlines of war and hunger.

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“Things Were Already Desperate”: Afghanistan Set to Become the World’s Worst Humanitarian Crisis

Afghanistan is becoming the world’s largest humanitarian crisis, with needs surpassing those in Ethiopia, South Sudan, Syria and Yemen, according to figures released this week. 

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