
Liberia, on the Atlantic coast of Africa, is classified as a least developed, low-income, food-deficit country.

Worsening Hunger Grips West and Central Africa Amid Persistent Conflict and Economic Turmoil

Nearly 55 million people in West and Central Africa will struggle to feed themselves in the June-August 2024 lean season, according to the March 2024 Cadre Harmonisé food security analysis.

Ines Laoui

Hunger in West Africa Reaches Record High in a Decade as the Region Faces Crisis Exacerbated by Russia-Ukraine Conflict

The war in Ukraine is violently disrupting the global trade of food, fertilizers and oil products, with the already high prices of agricultural products reaching record highs not seen in West Africa since 2011.

Empowering Rural Women: Joint United Nations Program’s New Phase to Target Countries in Africa, Asia and the Pacific

Four United Nations agencies today announced the forthcoming launch of a new phase of a joint program that aims to secure rural women’s livelihoods, rights and resilience to advance sustainable development.

Closing the Gender Gap: How a Rural Women’s Initiative Is Planting Seeds of Change in Rwanda

In Rwanda, a a rural women's initiative is fostering pathways for female farmers to be leaders, decisionmakers and agents of change in their communities.

Famine Relief Blocked by Bullets, Red Tape and Lack of Funding, Warn FAO and WFP

In a new report, WFP and FAO warn that efforts to fight the global surge in hunger are being halted by conflict and blockades that cut off lifesaving aid.

Economic Empowerment of Rural Women Positively Impacts Social Norms

Gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls are pre-conditions for the eradication of poverty and hunger and are essential to achieve all Sustainable Development Goals.

COVID-19: ‘Children on the Frontline’

Two World Food Programme nutrition experts talk about how to protect the most vulnerable people - children - during the Coronavirus pandemic

Securing Sustainable Food Systems Hinges on Gender Equality

Women, especially in rural areas, are instrumental in the fight against hunger and malnutrition and in making food systems more productive and sustainable.

Barron Segar

Ebola Strikes DRC

An Ebola outbreak is threatening a country already on the brink of famine as the World Food Programme (WFP) steps up its emergency response to save lives before it’s too late.