What’s Happening in Sri Lanka? Your Top 4 Questions on the Economic Crisis, Protests and Hunger

This a significant moment in Sri Lanka’s history. The country is currently experiencing its worst economic crisis since 1948.

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Statement by World Food Program USA on House Resolution Commemorating 20th Anniversary of the McGovern-Dole International Food for Education Program

Representatives Jim McGovern and Tracey Mann introduced H. Res. 1156 commemorating the 20-year anniversary of the McGovern-Dole International Food for Education Program, a unique program leveraging the strength of American farmers to fight childhood hunger worldwide. 

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As Rains Fail Again, Catastrophic Hunger Looms Over Somalia

In Somalia, the risk of famine looms larger than ever due to a historic fourth consecutive failed rainy season, skyrocketing prices and an underfunded humanitarian response.

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Advocacy Campaigns

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What’s in a School Meal? Q&A With Our President Barron Segar on the Importance of Education and Food for Children Around the World

For International Day of Education, we sat down with our President and CEO Barron Segar to get an inside look at the importance of school meals and how the world’s largest humanitarian organization is supporting millions of schoolchildren.

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History’s Hunger Heroes: Louis Pasteur

Pasteur's discovery revolutionized the food safety industry, extending the shelf life of foods and drinks kept in your refrigerator today.

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Eggs Are Laying the Groundwork for Peace and Boosting Nutrition in Sudan

Improving the food security of families like Mohammed and Madina’s has contributed to peace and stability in the region, and is encouraging those who fled conflict to return to their villages.

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Your 2021 Wrapped: The Top 5 Hunger Stories You Read or May Have Missed Last Year

In 2021, you stayed curious about hunger, about the United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) and what you could do to help.

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Remembering a Great Champion of Food Security: Senator Robert Dole

Today, as we mourn Senator Dole, we draw on his inspiration to do everything we can for as long as it takes to ensure that all people have the food they deserve.

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Children at War: Six Stories From the Most Dangerous Places on Earth

Hunger is terrible, but especially cruel to children. And it's a daily reality for millions of them – a scale that’s difficult for most of us to imagine.

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Climate Magnifies Hunger in Madagascar, Forecasted Poor Rains Bring Dread and Despair

As climate talks get underway in Glasgow, families in southern Madagascar, where climate is driving famine-like conditions, brace themselves for yet another harsh year ahead.

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Don’t Look the Other Way: The Tragic Effects of the Climate Crisis Are Unfolding in Southern Madagascar, Where Hundreds of Thousands of Lives Are in the Grip of Drought of Famine

Hundreds of thousands of lives are at risk in southern Madagascar, the only place in the world right now where catastrophic levels of hunger are being driven by climate not conflict.

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