World Food Program USA Statement on Pakistan Flooding

Following the Government of Pakistan’s request for support, the U.N. World Food Programme is rapidly expanding its food assistance to 500K people.

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One Year Later: WFP Continues to Help Haitian Communities Recover From a Devastating Earthquake

One year after a 7.2 magnitude earthquake struck Haiti, WFP continues to help communities to rebuild their lives and be better prepared for future disasters

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WFP Rapidly Deploys Food and Logistics Equipment to Earthquake-Hit Eastern Afghanistan

WFP has rapidly deployed food and logistics equipment to support communities devastated by the June 22 earthquake that struck near the city of Khost.

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World Food Program USA Statement on Afghanistan Earthquake

Our hearts go out to families impacted by the devastating 5.9 magnitude earthquake that struck Afghanistan early this morning. We are closely monitoring the unfolding situation there and stand ready to support WFP’s response.

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Extreme Weather and Climate Events Heighten Humanitarian Needs in Madagascar and Around the World

Tropical Cyclone Emnati, which made landfall in Madagascar on Wednesday, threatens food security and is an example of how weather extremes will trigger runaway humanitarian needs if we do not tackle the climate crisis.

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The Latest Updates out of Madagascar: WFP Provides Immediate Emergency Assistance in the Aftermath of Cyclone Batsirai

Cyclone Batsirai made landfall on the central-eastern coast of Madagascar on Saturday, February 5. Hours after the storm hit, the United Nations World Food Programme (WFP), was on the ground providing emergency assistance.

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Hunger Hotspots: Four Countries Face Famine, UN Report Warns

Hunger is soaring across 20 hunger hotspots where conflict, economic shocks, natural disasters and limited humanitarian access are putting millions of lives at risk

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Cyclone Batsirai Slams Into Madagascar, Destroying Villages and Displacing Nearly 50,000

Cyclone Batsirai made landfall in Madagascar on Saturday evening with wind gusts of 146 mph. At least six people are confirmed dead and nearly 50,000 are displaced.

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Threat to Lives and Livelihoods as Cyclone Batsirai Hurls Towards Madagascar

Lives, livelihoods, and harvest at risk as Tropical Cyclone Batsirai on course to hit Madagascar, already reeling from the impact of Storm Ana that hit in late January, the United Nations World Food Programme warned today. The cyclone is also expected to bring heavy rains to Mozambique.

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Nutrition at Risk for Typhoon-Hit Filipino Families, WFP Warns

Three weeks after Super Typhoon Odette devastated a huge swathe of the Philippines, WFP is warning that nutrition and food security are at risk in communities in hard-hit areas unless immediate food needs are met soon.

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WFP Assists the Philippines Government in Responding to Devastating Typhoon Rai

WFP is providing crucial emergency logistics and telecommunications support to the Government of the Philippines in its response to the devastation caused by Typhoon Rai.

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WFP in South Sudan Reaches Communities Battered by Third Year of Floods; Build Roads and Dykes to Help People Recover

WFP is scaling up support for people impacted by the third consecutive year of record floods that are battering South Sudan.

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